Aaron just completed a 10 week acting course at The Barrow Group taught by the kind, generous, and all around wonderful, Eric Paeper! He had a blast getting to know some wonderful new performers, and looks forward to working with them in the future. A big thanks to everyone who worked with him on scenes from The Internationalist by Anne Washburn, The Aliens by Annie Baker, Dark Play (or stories for boys) by Carlos Murillo, and Fat Kids on Fire by Bekah Brunstetter. It was awesome getting to work on inspiring contemporary material, and exercise his acting muscles every week. The course helped redefine how he looks at process and he is excited to move forward with this understanding.
Improv Show
Aaron will be performing in his final show with his UCB 401 class this Saturday, April 26, at 4:15PM. The performance will be at UCB Chelsea (307 W 26th St, NYC). Tickets are just $5. The more people there are in the audience, the better we will feel about ourselves as human beings. So...the ball's in your court now.
Improv Show
Aaron will be performing with his UCB 401 class this Saturday, April 5, at 4:15PM. The performance will be at UCB Chelsea (307 W 26th St, NYC). Tickets are just $5. Come to see us Harold, or just to give us an evil suggestion!
Straight on 'Til Morning
Aaron is incredibly excited to announce that he will be starring as Adrian, an Autistic teenager obsessed with Peter Pan, in Wild Rumpus Productions' Straight on 'Til Morning! The show will go up this fall in New York and is directed by Lee Kasper (Broadway's Harvey and The Performers, The Other Josh Cohen).
Please check out Wild Rumpus Productions' Facebook.
Also, if you'd like to get involved in helping to bring this production to a wider audience, please visit their fundraising campaign. This important project includes special autism friendly performances.
Check back for more info, and hope to see you all there!
After a long time off the web, aaronfb.com is back and better than ever! Thanks for checking out the revamped site.